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Bridge Engineering - Condition Surveys and Bi-ennial Inspections

HAL is MTO RAQS-approved under Bridge Engineering - Condition Surveys & Bi-ennial Specialty categories and provides detailed condition surveys of bridges, buildings, parking garages and other concrete structures by utilizing aerial work platforms, bucket truck and bridgemaster.


Quality Verification Engineering (QVE)

HAL Quality Verification Engineering (QVE) services encompass a comprehensive review of diverse activities within the construction and infrastructure sector.

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Nondestructive Engineering

HAL has provided nondestructive examination (NDE) and associated engineering support in many differing environments. HAL personnel are available to be dispatched to support component evaluations and assessments.


Construction Materials Engineering

The combination of comprehensive materials science expertise with engineering capabilities uniquely positions and qualifies HAL to deliver innovative yet sound solutions to construction materials problems.

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Shotcrete Technology

The shotcrete process has grown into an important and widely used construction technique. Shotcrete is a mortar or high-performance concrete conveyed through a hose and pneumatically projected at high velocity onto a backing surface. 


Research and Development

Research is at the heart of HAL’s work. Each project comes with new challenges to tackle and new questions to answer.




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